Contemporary Hair Trasplant Surgery

Kenneth Buchwach
Contemporary Hair Trasplant Surgery
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Hair transplantation is widely recognized as the most effective current treatment for male-pattern baldness. This is an illustrated step-by-step guide on the techniques and aesthetic considerations of hair transplant surgery. The book is devoted to what is sometimes referred to as micrografts - moving small quantities of hair-bearing skin (containing three to four follicles) to non-hair-bearing areas. It is filled with practical hints on planning, design and execution of hair transplantation. Features of the book include: help in planning the right operation for all types of pattern baldness; pointers on combining standard grafts, minigrafts and micrografts to achieve a natural appearance; advice on treating younger, rapidly-balding patients; and information on designing surgery that ages with the patient and produces permanent, high-quality results.
Data wydania: 1997
ISBN: 978-3-13-103781-7, 9783131037817
Wydawnictwo: THIEME VERLAG

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