Core Clinical Skills for OSCEs in Medicine

G. Byrne
Core Clinical Skills for OSCEs in Medicine
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This is a revision book of OSCE examinations for medical students preparing for their surgical examinations. OSCEs are a new and popular form of testing of knowledge and skills in applying that knowledge. This book examines history and patient examination skills, the interpretation of relevant data, knowledge of the use of surgical instruments and equipment, clinical skills on the surgical ward, communication skills and examination technique. Each section includes appropriate exam advice, strategies for answering questions and suitable answers. The book is illustrated with appropriate line drawings and radiological photographs.Based on a new and popular examination technique that causes students concern because of the wide variety of knowledge and skills tested.One of the first OSCE books in surgery.Written by two surgical teachers who are closely involved in the use of OSCEs in exams.Value for money - packed with information.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-443-07186-7, 9780443071867
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone

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