Current Consult Medicine 2006

Maxine A. Papadakis
Current Consult Medicine 2006
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Revised annually, this trusted title in the Lange Current Consult Series reflects the most up-to-date information available A section of Differential Diagnosis for more than 400 symptoms and conditions A Disease in Detail Section features 2-page bulleted spreads of essential information on more than 850 common disorders Diseases in Brief Section providing one-column synopses of key diseases and treatment for over 490 diseases Reference Tables display specific diagnostic and treatment options for the best solutions to immediate clinical problemsPractical answers on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 850 disorders NEW: Expanded discussion of approximately 10 diseases , such as angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, cor pulmonale, and familial adenomatous polyposis Revised annually Available in both print and handheld formats Differential Diagnosis presents the differential diagnoses for more than 400 symptoms and conditions Diseases in Detail present 2-page spreads in alphabetical order by disease Diseases in Brief provide information for over 370 diseases and symptoms Covers the most common diseases, syndromes, and symptoms in hospital and outpatient care settings Reflects the need-to-know information on disorders frequently seen by primary care and family medicine physisians. Reflects the most up-to-date diagnosis and treatment information for the most common disorders and diseases Customers can choose the format most conducive to their practice Provides quick access to the differential diagnosis of common symptoms and disorders Provides immediate and authoritative diagnostic information and treatment options for 480 disorders Highlights the need-to-know features, clinical findings, diagnosis, and treatment
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-07-145892-4, 9780071458924
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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