De La Mettrie's Ghost

Chris Nunn
De La Mettrie's Ghost
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This book is about how we make choices. Drawing together evidence from 21st century chemistry to Victorian politics, enlightenment philosophy, Roman drama and beyond, it is a compelling hunt for the nature of free will.Psychiatrist Chris Nunn elegantly explores the revolutions in medicine, genetics, bioethics and neuroscience spurred by Julien de la Mettrie's 300-year-old tract Man the Machine. He finds that though formerly fruitful, this mechanistic view of human experience has now brought neuroscientists and philosophers to an impasse. He therefore proposes a powerful replacement metaphor for the workings of the human brain - 'man the story' - and demonstrates how this original approach could reconcile the results of cutting-edge brain-imaging with our intuitive understanding of decision making, responsibility and determinism.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-4039-9495-0, 9781403994950
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan

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