Draconian Measures

J.C. Owens
Draconian Measures
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The immortal Finnarians mate for life and once they find their mate, nothing on earth can make them leave them. But what about when that mate is not Finnarian at all, but a stubborn, fiery, extremely irritable Draconian? What if that Draconian wants nothing at all to do with his Finnarian mate? It seems the Finnarian prince, Sadan, is going to have his work cut out for him. Fortunately, he is just as stubborn and far more persistent than said Draconian has ever had to deal with. Graitaan is the last remaining Draconian and he has attracted the eye of a Finnarian prince, who claims that he is his bloodmate. Sadan may want to be mated, but Graitaan has developed a passionate hatred for his Finnarian commander, prince or not. Too bad Finnarians are persistent as the hells. Especially this one.  
Data wydania: 2011-05-10
ISBN: 978-1-61118-408-2, 9781611184082
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Loose Id LLC
Cykl: Gaven, tom 3
Seria: Gaven
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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