Drug Transporters

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Drug Transporters
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This is a comprehensive guide to drug transporters that influence the absorption, distribution, and elimination of drugs in the body. The development of powerful expression cloning and genome analysis techniques has facilitated the molecular identification and characterization of numerous transporters that play a crucial role in drug disposition. Explaining the principles of drug transport and the associated techniques, "Drug Transporters: Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition": provides a comprehensive overview of drug transporters; and, includes specific descriptions of transporter families, including substrate and inhibitor specificity, subcellular and tissue localization, mechanisms governing transport, species differences, the clinical implications of these transporters in human physiology and disease, and their role in drug distribution, elimination, and interactions in drug therapy.It describes transporter-mediated drug disposition, a newly emerging field in drug therapy. It gives a comprehensive summary of drug transport across biological membranes in the liver, brain, kidney, and intestine. It provides balanced coverage of mechanistic aspects and functional outcomes. It features chapters contributed by distinguished scientists in their specialty areas. It provides sufficient detail to enable non-specialists to understand the principles and techniques. This authoritative guide is a practical hands-on desk reference for researchers in academia and the pharmaceutical industry and scientists in government agencies. It is also an excellent text for graduate-level courses in the pharmaceutical and pharmacology fields.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-471-78491-3, 9780471784913
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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