Electrical Field Reference Handbook 2e

Electrical Field Reference Handbook 2e
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Developed as a handy, easy-to-use resource for electrical estimators, contractors, electricians, and apprentices, the Electrical Field Reference Handbook is the ultimate desk and field reference. Now updated to the National Electrical Code 2008 tables, motor and transformer calculations, and more. A section devoted to first aid and OSHA safety standards demonstrates the book's commitment not only to accuracy and currency, but also to safety. With a durable, spiral-bound format perfect for work in the field and a straightforward writing style, this book provides electricians with at-your-fingertips information virtually any time and any place it is needed.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4180-7346-6, 9781418073466
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Delmar Publishers

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