Encyclopedia of Catalysis 6 vols

I. Horvath
Encyclopedia of Catalysis 6 vols
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Catalysis, the speeding up of a chemical reaction by a substance which itself does not react, is vital not only to the chemical process industry but also to life itself. The six volume Encyclopedia of Catalysis is the definitive A-to-Z reference work covering the most significant aspects of homogenous, heterogeneous, asymmetric, biomimetic, and biological catalysis. Available both on-line and in print, the state-of-the-art Encyclopedia encompasses the principles of catalysis; the scope of catalytic reactions; the preparation, characterization, and use of catalysts (including catalytic technology); the modeling of catalytic processes; and related reaction engineering techniques. The logical organization of this seminal work renders the text easily accessible to both process personnel and those involved in basic and applied research and development. Order the print edition now to take advantage of the Special Introductory Price! Price listed is nearly 50% off list price. Order by December 31, 2002 to receive this special offer.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-471-24183-6, 9780471241836
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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