Engineering Materials

K. Budinski
Engineering Materials
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For courses in Metallurgy and Materials Science. Co-authored by Kenneth G. Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, his son, with over 50 years of combined industry experience in the field, this practical, understandable introduction to engineering materials theory and industry-standard selection practices provides students with the working knowledge to (1) make an informed selection of materials for engineering applications and (2) correctly specify materials on drawings and purchasing documents. Encompassing all significant material systems-metals, ceramics, plastics, and composites-this text incorporates the most up-to-date information on material usage and availability, addresses the increasingly global nature of the field, and reflects the suggestions of numerous adopters of previous editions. NEW - Thoroughly revised and updated-After extensive review by users in universities and eminent materials engineers. Many suggestions were implemented for improved pedagogy. Information reflects current industry trends prompted by a global economy. Students are presented with the most correct, complete, and relevant materials text available. NEW - Chapter on Polymers-Simplifies learning about plastics by focusing on important plastic families. Makes it easier for students to remember critical facts about important plastic families rather than be overwhelmed by all 15,000 plastics. NEW - Rationales-Added to each chapter. Shows students why they need to know the information in this chapter. NEW - Questions and case histories-Added to each chapter. Provides further reinforcement and review to help students relate material learned to the "real world."NEW - Instructors Manual teaching methodology updated. Provides instructors with the most current trends. NEW - Revised content-Additional coverage of international metal buying, plastic families, "survivor" ceramics and composite coatings were made to reflect current industry trends. Helps students develop a set of engineering materials skills for each category. A global focus-Updates cost and usage data to reflect current worldwide conditions. Makes this text an international book that reflects current worldwide materials, engineering theories and practices, and enables students to learn international designations of materials to meet the needs of businesses that are worldwide in scope. More than sixty illustrations. Clarifies concepts and improves students' understanding. Critical concepts sections-At the end of each chapter. Outlines the key concepts of each chapter and gives students an opportunity to review their understanding before moving on. A practical orientation-Recommends a repertoire of materials that meet most design needs. Enables students to leave the course with the ability to select and designate specific materials-and teaches them all important material systems, metals, plastics, ceramics, and composites. Unique selection information-Developed by the authors, not found in other texts. Offers students a fresh approach to traditional topics and the most timely, complete and accurate coverage of the most recent developments. A focus on the properties of industry-standard materials. Teaches students how to specify these materials on engineering drawings and documents. Figures, charts, graphs, and tables-Visually reinforce contents throughout the text. Supplies students with a wealth of "handbook style" information that will assist them in solving chapter problems and serve as practical reference source on the job. A conversational writing style-With minimal use of technical jargon. Keeps the book accessible and understandable to a wide range of readers. Internet listing of sources for material information. Encourages students to access additional and advanced information on covered topics. Useful material property information-In appendix. Allows book to be used as a handbook to solve problems as they arise on the job.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-13-132791-7, 9780131327917
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall
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