European Union at the United Nations

B. Rasch
European Union at the United Nations
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The European Union at the United Nations examines the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) regime at the United Nations in New York. It assesses the functioning and quality of the coordination and representation of EU Member States' national interests and EU policy aims in the most important international organisation. Besides dealing with the effectiveness and coherence of EU representation at the UN, the book scrutinises the potential of the EU as a single actor in foreign and security affairs, reviews CFSP developments generally, and explores whether the process 'Europeanisation' is taking place in EU external relations. The qualitative institutional analysis is supported by a comprehensive quantitative evaluation of EU Member States' voting behaviour in the UN General Assembly.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-90-04-16714-8, 9789004167148
Wydawnictwo: Brill Academic Publishing
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