Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces

Poppy Evans
Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces
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Everything that's for sale, which is everything in our material world, is packaged in some way, often twice. There is the physical packaging that we throw away, and the 'packaging' that remains a part of the object so that the consumer can always identify the manufacturer. Because of our obsession to mark and beautify our material goods, designers are constantly faced with space limitations -- whether it's the tube on a bike, the surface of a CD, or the button on a shirt. Extroordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces takes a close look at numerous examples of the finest uses of irregular space and provides insight from top designers into how they approached each challenge and ultimately found success.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-1-56496-860-9, 9781564968609
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Rockport Publishers


Pozostałe książki:

Direct Mail Marketing Design Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces Forms Folds & Sizes
Wszystkie książki Poppy Evans

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