Gloria Koenig
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In 1930, when Albert Frey (1903-1998) came to the US from his nativeSwitzerland, he brought the influence of his mentor, Le Corbusier, withhim. The innovative Aluminaire House that he developed together with A. L.Kocher was exhibited in 1932 by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnsonin the legendary show in the Museum of Modern Art in New York "TheInternational Style: Architecture since 1922" as one of the very fewAmerican examples of the movement. Soon after, Frey discovered theCalifornia desert, where he would settle and complete his most substantialworks. Throughout his life, Frey was interested in finding new ways ofbuilding, as well as working with and doing research on prefabricatedmaterials, the results of which he regularly published. With visionarytalent, Frey built elegant, clearly structured residential houses and wasthe founder of the "desert modernism" style.
ISBN: 978-3-8228-4883-8, 9783822848838
Wydawnictwo: Taschen

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