Fundamentals of UNIX Lab Companion

Fundamentals of UNIX Lab Companion
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The lab manual and Fundamentals of Unix course, co-sponsored by Sun Microsystems, introduce students to the UNIX operating system and address the demand for Information Technology professionals with UNIX training and experience.. This course will provide a strong foundation for those who wish to move on to more advanced courses in UNIX system administration, such as the IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems. A primary focus of the Fundamentals of UNIX Lab Companion, Second Edition, is the Linux operating system, a popular variant of UNIX. Linux has been integrated into every chapter of the Second Edition while maintaining compatibility with the Fundamentals of UNIX course. The second edition describes general Linux characteristics and covers some of the key basic objectives of the CompTIA Linux+ exam. Students will become familiar with powerful UNIX command line utilities, as well as the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) and GNOME graphical user interfaces. The manual provides some new UNIX information on subjects such as the Emacs editor, working with disks and CD-ROMs, advanced string searching, Bash shell features, and customization that will be reflected in the up-to-date labs. A new lab on shell scripting has also been added.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-58713-139-4, 9781587131394
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cisco Press

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