Fungi Around Some Aquatic Bodies

Vasant Rao
Fungi Around Some Aquatic Bodies
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Fungi Around Some Aquatic Bodies in Andhra Pradesh, India" is an outcome of our research in the field of mycology and plant pathology. It encompasses major groups of fungi. The book is intended to enthuse youngsters particularly students of Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Agriculture studying Fungi. It is also helpful to the plant pathologists, agriculturists, pharmaceutists, biotechnologists, environmentalists and entrepreneurs who intend to create self-employment. It presents a kaledoscopic view of Fungi. The Taxa are described in simple technical language giving diagnostic characters of the genera with photographs, distribution, with a glossary to understand the scientific terms. References are presented at the end of the book, would form a good source of information. Andhra Pradesh is a potential state for mycological field studies and many areas in the state are still unexplored. This is evident by the list of fungi collected in the districts, enclosed at the end, which presents a good scope of further work on this subject. Every attempt has been made to include a good representative collection of species including some of the recently described Taxa. It would be of interest to indicate the usefulness of this data, leading to more intensive biotechnological studies, thereby developing further useful industrial avenues for the benefit of mankind.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-81-7800-058-9, 9788178000589
Wydawnictwo: BS Publication

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