Girls, memory, parenting, millennial fear -- all served Coupland-style.Karen, an attractive, popular student, goes into a coma one night in 1979.Whilst in it, she gives birth to a healthy baby daughter; once out of it, amere eighteen years later, she finds herself, Rip van Winkle-like, amiddle-aged mother whose friends have all gone through all the normalmarital, social and political traumas and back again! This tragicomedyshows Coupland in his most mature form yet, writing with all his customarypowers of acute observation, but turning his attention away from thesurface of modern life to the dynamics of modern relationships, but doingso with all the sly wit and weird accuracy we expect of the soothsayingauthor of Generation X, Shampoo Planet, Life After God, Microserfs andPolaroids from the Dead.