Handbook of World Englishes

B. Kachru
Handbook of World Englishes
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The Handbook of World Englishes is a collection of newly commissioned articles focusing on selected critical dimensions and case studies of the theoretical, ideological, applied and pedagogical issues related to English as it is spoken around the world. The Handbook represents the cross-cultural and international contextualization of the English language, and the contributions articulate the visions of scholars from major varieties of world Englishes - African, Asian, European, and North and South American. Topics discussed include the sociolinguistic contexts of varieties of English in the inner, outer, and expanding circles of its users; the ranges of functional domains in which these varieties are used; attitude-marked love-hate relationships with the language; the place of English in language policies and language planning in Anglophone societies; and debates about English as a cause of language death, murder and suicide. This innovative and unique volume is a valuable resource for researchers and students of World Englishes.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-4051-1185-0, 9781405111850
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science

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