Harmony Silk Factory

Tash Aw
Harmony Silk Factory
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'A fine, strong, confident novel -- and what a storyteller Tash Aw is. Unputdownable' Doris Lessing 'The Harmony Silk Factory is an utterly remarkable debut. It's a dream of a novel, lovely and exquisite and intense, and reveals Tash Aw's already prodigious gift for storytelling; this young writer has come to us fully formed, and with the promise of a long and significant career.' Chang-rae Lee 'Bewitchingly written and gracefully assured ! The story Aw tells is mercilessly gripping and his prose is lucid, uncluttered, beautiful ! Aw orchestrates a graceful ballet of dissonances and congruences, of echoes and discords.' Neel Mukherjee, The Times 'Tash Aw's striking debut is as elusive as it is exotic. Aw is a skilled and sensitive writer' Daily Mail 'Absorbing ! a rich, intense novel ! The strength of Tash Aw's writing can be seen in the three narratives. Each voice is distinct and each offers a subtly different viewpoint, remaking the material afresh ! The beauty and danger of nature are everywhere in this delicately drawn novel' TLS
ISBN: 978-0-00-723228-4, 9780007232284
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Publishers

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