History of the Modern World

R. Palmer
History of the Modern World
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History of the Modern World is a careful, well-written narrative of major events from the late Middle Ages to the political and religious conflicts at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It offers a wide-ranging survey that helps readers understand both the complexities of great events (e.g., the French Revolution, the First World War, or the collapse of great imperial systems) and the importance of historical analysis. It also provides a careful summary of the modern political changes that have affected the social and cultural development of all modern cultures.
Throughout the book's lifetime, A History of the Modern World has been hailed as an elegantly written historical narrative, filled with analysis and balanced historical insights as well as its traditional attention to the processes of historical change, conflict, and political transformations. The tenth edition has been updated to include the clear maps, the survey of global economic connections, the chronologies, the illustrations, and the up-to-date bibliographies that today's students need and expect.Chapters on the Scientific Revolution and the early global economy have been moved to show more clearly the chronology of notable cultural and economic developments.
New material addresses current issues such as terrorism, recent upheavals in the Middle East, and the continuing struggle for economic development in the worldżs poorest countries.
The previous edition's two chapters on the world since 1945 have been divided into four new, more concise chapters that will be easier for students to read and for instructors to teach, with clearer thematic organization.
The expanded art program includes new images of important works by modern artists such as Pablo Picasso, Berthe Morisot, Jackson Pollack, and Henry Moore.
The maps are newly drawn, easier to read, and presented in sharper color.
New timelines have been incorporated into each chapter to give a convenient summary of the notable events and dates in every historical era.
The entries for the comprehensive "Suggestions for Further Reading" include new listings of useful websites and significant new scholarly publications.
The text's companion Online Learning Center has been updated and expanded to include an Interactive Glossary--an important learning tool for students that complements the terms and topics highlighted in the margins of the textbook.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-07-110910-9, 9780071109109
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill
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