Nie bez powodu cmentarze żydowskie nazywane są Domami Życia. Ta książka pokazuje, jak cmentarze w całej Europie odzwierciedlają sposób, w jaki żyły i nadal żyją określone społeczności żydowskie. Profilowanych jest trzydzieści cmentarzy, poczynając od czasów rzymskich, biegnących przez islamską Hiszpanię i średniowieczne Włochy, przez barokowe i XIX-wieczne Niemcy, a kończąc na dzisiejszej Wielkiej Brytanii i Francji. Każdy cmentarz jest ilustrowany historycznymi i aktualnymi planami, mapami, obrazami, rysunkami i fotografiami zarówno cmentarzy, jak i społeczności, którym służył.
Jewish cemeteries are called Houses of Life -- or Houses of Eternity -- for good reason. This book shows how burial grounds across Europe reflect the ways that specific Jewish communities have lived and continue to live. Thirty cemeteries are described, dating from the Roman period, through Islamic Spain and medieval Italy to baroque and 19th-century Germany and present-day Britain and France. Each cemetery is illustrated with historical and current plans, maps, paintings, drawings and photographs of both the cemeteries and the communities they have served. Information is also provided on the locations and opening times of each site.
Jewish cemeteries are called Houses of Life -- or Houses of Eternity -- for good reason. This book shows how burial grounds across Europe reflect the ways that specific Jewish communities have lived and continue to live. Thirty cemeteries are described, dating from the Roman period, through Islamic Spain and medieval Italy to baroque and 19th-century Germany and present-day Britain and France. Each cemetery is illustrated with historical and current plans, maps, paintings, drawings and photographs of both the cemeteries and the communities they have served. Information is also provided on the locations and opening times of each site.