How the Globalization of Capital Markets Has Affected the Listing Behavior of Foreign Issuers

How the Globalization of Capital Markets Has Affected the Listing Behavior of Foreign Issuers
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Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy, grade: Honors, Fordham University School of Law, language: English, abstract: This case study on Daimler's history on the NYSE aims to illustrate how global equity markets have evolved in the past two decades and what the reasons are for companies to raise capital in these global markets. In doing so, the case study proceeds as follows: After a brief introduction in Part I, Part II describes the initial listing of Daimler ADRs on the NYSE in October 1993 and its consequences for Daimler's financial reporting, followed by the reasons that motivated Daimler to come to New York. Part III provides an overview of the legislative and regulatory changes that took place both in Germany and the U.S., and how these developments affected Daimler's decision to terminate its listing on the NYSE in 2010. Part IV investigates how investors today are able to invest in foreign issuers such as Daimler. Finally, the case study concludes by summarizing the reasons for Daimler's delisting and its meaning for the competitiveness of the U.S. public markets in Part V.
Data wydania: 2011
ISBN: 978-3-640-94612-9, 9783640946129
Wydawnictwo: GRIN Verlag

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