India's Political Parties

Peter Ronald deSouza
India's Political Parties
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This volume is the sixth in the series of essential readings on Indian government and politics and its focus is on political parties in India. It introduces the reader to the extensive and varied landscape of political parties in India by bringing together classic articles on national and regional organizations and the politics they represent. The book covers an exceptionally wide terrain ranging from individual parties, to the development of nationalism and communalism, and to more current issues like state funding of elections and women??'s representation. Bringing together seminal contributions from academics as well as active politicians, this volume: Introduces the idea of ???party-less??? democracy, even as it examines the party system in India and its gradual evolution at the national level Examines the policy options available for election finance reform in India Brings together published articles on traditional topics (like the Congress system) as well as commissioned essays where gaps exist (like on the Communist parties)This volume is essential reading for students of political science, (particularly those interested in South Asian politics), sociology, and democratic governance. Besides, it would also be of considerable interest to media persons, bureaucrats, politicians, and policy makers.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7619-3514-8, 9780761935148
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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