This is the complete guide to intellectual property: thinking concepts for discovering it, creating it, protecting it, and profiting from itWhether you're an individual inventor or an innovator inside a small to medium business or large enterprise, you need a deep, business-focused understanding of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, trade secrets, and the entire invention process. In this book, Craig Fellenstein teaches his own critical techniques that have helped him to have over 65 patent applications filed.Drawing on his expertise in mentoring invention and patent teams, Fellenstein introduces best practices for managing the entire process of creating and protecting intellectual property.Coverage includesHow inventors think: a complete case study teaching how to conceptualize ideas for new patentable inventions-causing discovery of new patent ideasValidating your invention's uniqueness: critical skills, practical search tools, and the principles of "prior art"Refining and strengthening your inventionsPreparing patents that professional evaluators will view favorablyMultiple submissions: discovering and filing for follow-on patents that flow from your original ideasGetting a strong patent that will be more likely to withstand any potential challenges after issuanceEstablishing effective incentives for the creation of new intellectual propertyHarvesting and commercializing inventions: practical lessons for inventorsUsing "invention teams" to systematize and accelerate the innovation processDifferent ways to protect your intellectual property: patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, and copyrights © Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.