
Vivian Lux
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He's JAX. He's a rockstar. He's a screw-up. He broke my heart. He's my new stepbrother. Jaxson Blue is rock royalty: the son of one of the biggest names on the planet. He was my first...everything. Then he broke my heart in the most public way possible. I never want to think about Jax again. Too bad his music seems to follow me wherever I go. Now my hard-living roadie of a father is marrying Jax's rock star mother and the four of us have to co-exist in the same house for two weeks. Jax is still the same sexy, arrogant jerk I fell in love with, and I'm too weak to resist him for long. So I make a deal with myself. It's only until the wedding. It's only a fling. It doesn't mean anything. I'm not doing anything wrong...right?  
Data wydania: 2016-07-29
ISBN: 1-5355-9291-5, 1535592915
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: A Rockstar Romance, tom 1
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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O nie! Książka Jax. czuje się pominięta, bo nikt nie dodał jeszcze do niej cytatu. Może jej pomożesz i dodasz jakiś?
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