Montes Cristina
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Architecture is perhaps not the first thing that comes to mind when youthink of Los Angeles, but there's no doubt that the city has its ownunique style. This book examines some of the highlights of domestic livingaround Los Angeles, and points out some of the major influences: Art Deco,Spanish, and contemporary architecture; spacious, light-filled rooms; andplenty of wood, steel and concrete. Acclaimed architects such as RichardMeier are featured here along with firms such as Bobrow Thomas &Associates, Legorreta and Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates. Filled withphotographs, floor plans, sketches, and informative text, this collectionof stunning houses proves that the City of Angels is making its mark inthe world of home design. This volume examines some of the highlights of domestic living around LosAngeles, and points out some of the major influences: Art Deco, Spanish andcontemporary architecture; spacious, light-filled rooms; and plenty ofwood, steel and concrete. It examines how the city's flamboyant past hasshaped the landscape, as well as how cutting-edge architects and interiordesigners continue to create exciting new styles and structures.Architects such as Richard Meier are featured here along with firms suchas Bobrow Thomas & Associates, Legorreta and Hardy Holzman PfeifferAssociates. The book features photographs, floor plans and sketches.
ISBN: 978-3-8238-5594-1, 9783823855941
Wydawnictwo: TeNeus

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