Low-Rate Personal Area Networks

Raymond L. Barrett, Jose A. Gutiérrez, Edgar H. Callaway
Low-Rate Personal Area Networks
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This SECOND EDITION of Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks: Enabling Wireless Sensors with IEEE 802.15.4 is the newest handbook in the IEEE Standards Wireless Networks Series. This updated book now includes detailed information from the revised IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006, which includes the amendment IEEE 802.15.4b. IEEE Std 802.15.4 was developed to address low-cost and low-power design to enable applications in the fields of industrial, agricultural, vehicular, residential, and medical sensors and actuators. This book offers the reader an insider's view of the standard. Features include an overview of the standard, the motivation and vision behind it, background on the technology, technical features and components, application scenarios, and material not covered in the standard related to the network layer functionality for applications. The book also focuses on implementation and system design considerations, including an analysis of system-level, real-world issues that will be important for prospective implementers to consider. Presented in a concise and easy to read format by experts intimately involved in the development and writing of the standard, this guide is an invaluable resource to the standard for those interested in the field of "simple" wireless connectivity. Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks, 2nd Edition, is a MUST READ for anyone who wants to fully understand the inner-workings and possibilities of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7381-4977-6, 9780738149776
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Inc.
Stron: 200

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