Making Sense of Clinical Examination of the Adult Patient

Douglas Model
Making Sense of Clinical Examination of the Adult Patient
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The ability to record an accurate and complete patient history, and to examine the patient appropriately in response to the history described, are fundamental skills that all student doctors need to acquire at an early stage in training. Making Sense of Clinical Examination of the Adult Patient provides invaluable 'hands-on' guidance for medical students and junior doctors when presented with a new patient. Written from a very practical standpoint, the author shares his extensive experience of teaching this subject. Real life scenarios are interspersed throughout the text. On reading Making Sense of Clinical Examination of the Adult Patient, the reader is given: practical advice on recording all aspects of a patient's history, including the present complaint, past medical history, and family history; and detailed guidance on performing an examination of each body system.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-340-92824-0, 9780340928240
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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