Making Sense of Lung Function Tests

S. Dakin
Making Sense of Lung Function Tests
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This invaluable hands-on guide for the junior doctor in the clinical setting acts as a useful introductory text for physicians specialising in respiratory medicine. It helps trainee physicians to integrate understanding of the physiological principles underlying lung function with their interpretation in clinical practice. It supplements knowledge of the mechanical measurements of lung function such as lung capacity and flow rates, and provides invaluable guidance on monitoring the effectiveness of respiration, e.g. through blood gas analysis. A convenient pocket-sized handbook, it deals with many, commonly-performed tests of respiratory function. Up to one third of emergency admissions are related to breathing difficulties of one sort or another, and a variety of diagnostic investigations are required. Familiarity with the interpretation of a range of respiratory parameters is therefore a fundamental skill for the junior doctor.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-340-76319-3, 9780340763193
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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