Management & Arts

William J. Byrnes
Management & Arts
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Management and the Arts, Third Edition provides the prospective arts manager with theory and practical applications from all management perspectives (planning, marketing, finance, economics, organizational design, staffing, and group dynamics) as they apply to an arts organization, regardless of whether it is a theatre, museum, dance or opera company. Readers will learn how arts organizations and arts management evolved, the theories and processes behind strategic planning and decision-making, and how to integrate various management theories with practical applications to this type of organization. Revised to reflect the latest thinking and trends in managing organizations and people, Management and the Arts, Third Edition provides the reader with the practical tools necessary to manage an arts organization. The class-tested questions in each chapter help the reader to integrate the material and develop ideas as to how the situations and problems could have been handled. New case studies focus on the challenges facing managers and organizations every day, and new 'In The News' quotes give the reader real-world examples of principles and theories. A new chapter focuses on developing career skills and options. Graduate school options and postgraduate training opportunities are discussed and professional organizations and conferences are highlighted.All new case studies further illustrate the points made in each chapter, providing background and perspective on management, relations, budgeting, and practical applications of theories used in the art world.Learn where to find the resources to fund your arts organization and the current practices of fundraising and grant writing.Review an arts manager
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-240-80537-5, 9780240805375
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Focal Press

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