Managing in the New Economy

J. Magretta
Managing in the New Economy
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As the Harvard Business Review's strategy editor, Joan Magretta has helped readers to see beyond the hype that surrounds the much-discussed but frequently misunderstood 'new economy.' Her work with the world's most influential business thinkers and executives has shaped our understanding of the practical issues of leadership, organization, and strategy that every manager must confront in this emerging era. Now, Magretta selects some of the most perceptive articles and interviews from the Review in a collection that will help readers make sense of the new managerial agenda. With its balanced coverage, Managing in the New Economy helps us sort out what is truly new about the new economy and what endures from the old. The articles are organized around important managerial issues, revealing how the dynamics shaping the new economy are changing both managers' priorities and the tools they use to make decisions. Part I addresses the principal issues of strategy, analysis, and competition. In Part II, Magretta turns our attention to the new realities of leadership and organization. Part III brings these issues to life as three CEOs describe how their organizations are tackling the challenges of managing in the new economy. With renowned contributors--from writers such as Michael Porter, C.K. Prahalad, and Peter Drucker to business leaders such as Michael Dell--this invaluable collection explores the new mind-set executives in every industry must embrace in order to keep pace with the trends in technology, networks, knowledge, and globalization that are shaping the new economy.
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-1-57851-186-0, 9781578511860
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Harvard Business School Press

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