Microneurosurgery in 4 v.IVA

M. Yasargil
Microneurosurgery in 4 v.IVA
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Part of the "Microneurosurgery" series, this volume deals with the advances and limits of diagnostic investigations such as neuroanatomy, neuropathology, neurophysiology and neuroimaging which are essential for decision-making concerning operability or other therapeutic options. The book presents a new perspective of basic neuroscientific investigations for diagnosis and treatment of CNS tumours. The series draws on experience gained from the microsurgical treatment of CNS tumours in 3500 patients who have been operated on during the last 25 years in the Neurosurgical Department at the University Hospital of Zurich by the author.
Data wydania: 1994
ISBN: 978-3-13-645101-4, 9783136451014
Wydawnictwo: Georg Thieme Verlag

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