This database yeilds an invaluable economic background on an important new region emerging in the heart of the Eurasian continent.Features include:* detailed articles covering regional issues such as The emerging economic zone in the Middle East and Central Asia and The impact of the Euro in the Middle East* an extensive series of statistical tables presenting comparative figures for all the countries and political entities covered including: Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Egypt; Georgia; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Oman; Pakistan; Palestinian territories; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Turkey; United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan; Yemen* the statistical tables cover: population, life expectancy, economically-active population, gross domestic product, exchange rates, banking, stock markets, oil and natural gas, imports and exports, manufacturing, electricity, water, investment, air transport, tourism, telecommunications, education, development and gender, broadcasting and media, health, land use and environment. Each table allows comparisons to be made between countries in the region.