During the past 16 years, acclaimed author and documentary-maker, LaurenceRees has met and interviewed a large number of former Nazis, and hisunique insights into the Nazi psyche and the Second World War havereceived enormous praise. Following the success of Rees's bestselling"Auschwitz", this substantially revised and updated edition of "The Nazis- A Warning from History" tells the powerfully gripping story of the riseand fall of the Third Reich. At the heart of the book lie compellingeyewitness accounts of life under Adolf Hitler, spoken through the wordsof those who experienced the Nazi regime at every level of society. Anextensive new section on the Nazi/Soviet war (previously published inRees's "War of the Century") provides a chilling insight into Nazimentality during the most bloody conflict in history. Described as 'one ofthe greatest documentary series of all times', "The Nazis - A Warning fromHistory" won a host of awards, including a Bafta and an InternationalDocumentary Award. The accompanying book broke new ground in ourunderstanding of the Nazi regime and was praised for 'getting to the heartof the most troubling and elusive questions of Germany before and duringWorld War Two'. The dramatic and incredible story that unfolds in thesepages, once read, is not easily forgotten. '...scholars across the worldowe a considerable debt of gratitude to Laurence Rees for his immense andunique contribution to historical understanding.' - From the citationawarding Laurence Rees Honorary Doctorate from the University of Sheffieldin July 2005.