G. Pellecanos
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They never found the killer. All they knew, back in the winter of 1985, wasthat someone was taking teenagers, killing them and leaving their abusedbodies in public parks. Three victims in all, with no link between themexcept a oddity of their names. They read the same back-to-front - Otto,Ava and lastly Eve. A lot has happened in the twenty years since.Detectives Gus Ramone and Dan Holiday - two of the leads on the case -have pursued very different paths. Gus has climbed to the heights ofDetective Sergeant and built himself a reputation as a very good cop,whilst Dan has been drummed out of the force - his sleaze finally gettingtoo much for his superiors. However, their paths are about to cross again.A boy named Asa - a close friend of Gus's teenage son - has been found inthe public park, his skull shattered by gunfire. Now it seems that bothmen are once again in the path of this disturbed serial killer. THE NIGHTGARDENER is George Pelecanos's stunning new crime thriller - the story oftwo very different men united by the maliciousness of a deadly attacker.
ISBN: 978-0-7538-2110-7, 9780753821107
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Phoenix

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