Pain Management & Sedation

R. Mace
Pain Management & Sedation
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Written by emergency physicians for emergency physicians ż information selected and organized to meet the daily clinical needs of the emergency physician High Yield Facts ż bulleted list of most salient clinical facts start each chapter Algorithms and Highlighted Protocolsż at a glance review of drugs, dosages, and step-by-step management guidelines in every chapter Special Considerations Section żreviews specific considerations for pediatric, pregnant, geriatric, and terminally ill patients Symptom Table of Contents ż a second table of contents, organized by type of pain (chest, back, abdominal, etc), quickly takes reader to symptom-specific information Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic treatment żarms the reader with the full range of options in pain management and sedation ACEP Sponsorship ż to be determined
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-07-144202-2, 9780071442022
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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