People in Control Human Factors in Control Room Design

J. Noyes
People in Control Human Factors in Control Room Design
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Drawn from a June 1999 conference of the same name, 18 papers explore the role of human error in causing accidents and inefficiencies in automated processes and discuss engineering solutions to the design of systems and processes. Emphasizing case studies and examples from the transport and process control industries, the papers are organized into the topic areas of human performance, methods, and control room design. Individual topics include situation awareness, teamworking, training for control room tasks, allocation of human and machine functions, task analysis, development of a railway ergonomics control assessment package, design of alarm systems, control desks in power generation, and integrated platform management system design for naval warships.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-85296-978-6, 9780852969786
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Institution of Engineering & Technology

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