Picture Perfect Cowboy

Tiffany Reisz
Picture Perfect Cowboy
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Jason "Still" Waters' life looks perfect from the outside—money, fame, and the words "World Champion Bull-Rider" after his name. But Jason has a secret, one he never planned on telling anybody...until he meets Simone. She's the kinky girl of his dreams...and his conservative family's worst nightmare. "Picture Perfect Cowboy" is a standalone erotic romance from Tiffany Reisz, set in her bestselling Original Sinners series.  
Data wydania: 2018-11-05
ISBN: 978-1-370-67827-3, 9781370678273
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mira Books
Cykl: The Original Sinners, tom 10
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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