Protocols for Semen Analysis in Clinical Diagnosis

R. Yeyendran
Protocols for Semen Analysis in Clinical Diagnosis
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Once considered a passive variable in the fertility equation, sperm is now a directly observed, manipulated, potentially enhanced, and centrally determining factor in the overall fertility treatment regimen. Not only does contemporary fertility science place tremendous emphasis on sperm quality, tests such as semen analysis are relatively easier and more cost-effective for couples seeking fertility treatment than those performed on oocytes. Protocols for Semen Analysis in Clinical Diagnosis defines basic semen analysis concepts, provides clinically essential reference values, and elucidates the often subtle relationships between many sperm characteristics and their relevance for clinical diagnosis. The author takes you logically and systematically through each step of the diagnostic process. He discusses the underlying rationale for implementing different kinds of semen analysis, the intricacies of routine versus specialized testing, and additional diagnostic testing. With so many diverse semen analysis assays currently available, choosing the specific regimen appropriate for each patient can prove complex and confusing. Designed to supplement other more general, less clinically oriented texts, Protocols for Semen Analysis in Clinical Diagnosis provides easy to use procedural protocols for diagnosis.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-1-84214-205-9, 9781842142059
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Parthenon Publishing Group

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