This Ten Book Series, Realm of the Fallen, chronicles the lives of the people and strangely tragic events surrounding an abandoned Carmelite Monastery, and the desert community of Stanton, Texas. The Catholic Church takes over the monastery to create a convent, orphanage, and school, but the new residents do not know that when the Carmelite Brotherhood of monks disbanded, they also left a dark secret behind them. When strange things begin to happen, Monsignor Breely sends a request for assistance, and it eventually comes to him in the form of a recently ordained priest, Father John Sholtz. As this young priest commences his new assignment at the convent, he experiences a most terrifying encounter with a ghostly monk, one with powers beyond the boundaries of his imagination. This first encounter is only the beginning of terrors, and as he faces his fears, learning that things are not always as they seem, he wonders if his mind and faith are strong enough to endure all that now lies ahead of him.