Risk-Free Technology

C. Nault
Risk-Free Technology
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IT has now reached “utility” status everywhere, at least from an expectation standpoint. Just as the utility of electricity is required to power our lights and equipment, and oil or gas insures our heat in the winter, a firm’s network infrastructure MUST be always in place to maintain its Internet access, computerization, phone system and a host of other mission-critical applications. Contrary to days passed, companies can no longer function without these. Their customers, employees and vendors expect business networks to be fully functional, expeditious, security protected and accessible around the clock. This book addresses the implications of failing to insure that all your IT functions are “utility-status,” and tells non-technical executives what needs to be done from a managerial perspective to achieve true utility status, as well as how to pro-actively monitor such functions to make sudden catastrophes a thing of the past. The book will provide case studies of companies who have lost money and business because they failed to heed this message.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-906403-09-6, 9781906403096
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Global Professional Publishing

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