Rock My Wedding

Charlotte O'Shea
Rock My Wedding
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The definitive guide to planning your perfect wedding day, from the UK's most-loved, and multi-award winning wedding website - Rock My Wedding. Just like you, your wedding day will be personal, one-of-a-kind, and completely unique. We're not here to tell you what you should do to make your day perfect, only that you can do it. With advice and guidance on the individual aspects to consider when planning your wedding day - from where to begin and recommended questions to ask your supplier, to plenty of alternative decor ideas - we hope that you'll find inspiration, reassurance and a little bit of escapism in these pages as you embark on planning one of the most special and joyful days of your lives.
Data wydania: 2019-03-12
ISBN: 978-1-78503-353-7, 9781785033537
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ebury Press

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