Rosie Gigglepip's Lucky Escape

Daisy Meadows
Rosie Gigglepip's Lucky Escape
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Welcome to a magical world where animals talk and play - just like you and me! There's a wild wind blowing in Friendship Forest, as Grizelda's storm dragon takes over the magical windmill that controls the forest's breezes! Lily and Jess must help little guinea pig Rosie rescue her family and save the forest - before Grizelda takes over once and for all!
Data wydania: 2015-04-02
ISBN: 978-1-4083-2632-9, 9781408326329
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Orchard Books
Cykl: Magic Animal Friends, tom 8
Kategoria: Dla dzieci
Stron: 112
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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