Secret Societies - Their Mysteries Revealed

John Lawrence Reynolds
Secret Societies - Their Mysteries Revealed
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Secret societies have flourished throughout history, capturing the public imagination and generating fear, suspicion and above all fascination. Reynolds treats the reader to a behind-the-scenes look at the origins, initiations, secret signs and famous members of the most notorious secret societies of all time. Included are chapters on the Cosa Nostra, Al Qaeda, the Triads, the Assassins, the Yakuza, Kabbalah, the Freemasons and the Druids. Does a global power actually control the election of world leaders? Are some secret societies little more than a group of boys playing at secret handshakes? Based on exhaustive research, with an emphasis on authenticity rather than speculation, Secret Societies will grip readers from the opening page.
ISBN: 978-1-84839-542-8, 9781848395428
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing

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