Shadow Party

David Horowitz
Shadow Party
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America is under attack. Its institutions and values are under daily assault. But the principal culprits are not foreign terrorists. They are influential and powerful Americans secretly stirring up disunion and disloyalty in the shifting shadows of the Democratic Party. New York Times best-selling authors David Horowitz and Richard Poe (both former radicals) weave together riveting history, investigative reporting, and cutting political analysis to help expose and explain: The Shadow Party's plan to rewrite the US Constitution. How the Shadow Party overthrows foreign governments--and why it may attempt to use the same methods here. The vast network of private think tanks, foundations, unions, stealth PACs, and other front groups through which the Shadow Party operates in America. The network's voluminous contributions to the Democrats, which totaled more than $300 million in the 2004 elections, and its growing influence over the party's message and policy. The politicians on both sides of the aisle who have exchanged political favors with George Soros and his "government-in-the-wings." The Shadow Party's efforts to conceal its radical agenda behind the "moderate" pose of Hillary Clinton and other public figures. The radical network's plan to seize power in 2008.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-59555-103-0, 9781595551030
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Thomas Nelson Publishing

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