Site Planning & Design Handbook

Site Planning & Design Handbook
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Site Planning and Design Handbook bridges the gap between the traditional methods of site planning and design and our growing awareness of sustainability issues. Meticulously written and heavily illustrated with construction details and graphic standards, the Handbook offers thorough, detailed coverage of: Site analysis Environmental assessment Grading Design for traffic control Open space design Project management issues, including permitting and quality assurance Historic landscapes Preserving trees Storm water management Materials specifications and standards Author Thomas Russ, a registered landscape architect and environmental manager, skillfully blends the technical as well as artistic aspects of site design to generate creativity and efficiency in both realms. Russ provides standards and guidelines that will support a design choice and provide a basis for educating clients and the public. Site Planning and Design Handbook is the perfect vehicle for landscape architects, civil engineers, architects, and planners and developers who want to successfully create within the 'new design paradigm.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-07-137784-3, 9780071377843
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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