Spells And Bananas

Joyee Flynn
Spells And Bananas
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Kirby Saxon, a fun-loving spider monkey shifter, finds himself being rescued by a large, muscled man with kind eyes from an overzealous woman. He decides to mate now and learn about each other later…including that male witches can get pregnant. Amery Goddard is an ancient Witch who carries the weight from his lengthy past on his shoulders. He works at a hospital in Colorado Springs, while Kirby can live anywhere with his job for Sups Weekly, so it seems they are the perfect fit. Amery’s job as CNO has been his main passion—that is, until he meets Kirby. But that same hospital is the cause of his greatest distress in years, and he almost crumbles under the pressure. Will Kirby and Amery’s attendance at the UPAC Conference be a blessing concealed within a curse, or will Amery’s haunted past lead to them losing everything they’ve built?  
Data wydania: 2011-08-08
ISBN: 978-1-61034-734-1, 9781610347341
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc
Cykl: Midnight Matings, tom 9
Stron: 117
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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