Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology

Mark Cade, Simon A. Roberts
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology
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This is the first authoritative, authorized study guide for Sun's challenging new Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Technology exams. Written by the exam's lead developer and assessor, it offers start-to-finish guidance and background for designing effective J2EE architectures -- and comprehensive preparation for all three exam elements you need to pass: Sun's multiple-choice exam, architecture/design project, and essay exam. Sun Microsystems Senior Java Architect Mark Cade begins with an overview of system architecture and its goals -- including structure, behavior, usage, functionality, performance, resilience, reuse, and comprehensibility. Cade shows how to document J2EE architectures through visual models and narratives -- creating System Requirements and System Architecture documents that act as blueprints for the entire development process. He introduces each of Sun's most powerful and useful J2EE architecture patterns; walks you through key security and internationalization issues, presents a full chapter on HTTP and other protocols for distributed systems development; and concludes with a start-to-finish case study. From legacy connectivity to messaging, firewall issues to servlets, the book covers every exam objective -- and every skill needed by J2EE enterprise architects. The only study guide written by the lead developers and assessors of the architect exam.The first officially authorized study guide for the challenging Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition exams. Java platform experts Cade and Roberts provide expert guidance and background for designing effective J2EETM technology architectures-as well as comprehensive preparation for every exam element: multiple-choice exam, assignment, and essay. You'll find start-to-finish coverage of key J2EE platform architectural issues and every exam objective, including: Understanding the goals of system architecture Creating requirements and architectural documents that serve as blueprints for the entire development process Leveraging proven design patterns Identifying the right J2EE technologies and APIs for your application Maximizing security and accounting for firewalls in enterprise environments Providing legacy access: appropriate techniques and errors to avoid Using the Enterprise JavaBeansTM architecture Container Model to maximize scalability Evaluating the advantages and weaknesses of existing architecturesEndorsed as a study guide for the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology exam by Sun Educational Services.
Data wydania: 2002-03-11
ISBN: 978-0-13-044916-0, 9780130449160
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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