Sustaining Growth & Performance in East Asia

Charles Harvie
Sustaining Growth & Performance in East Asia
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This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments can assist and enhance that contribution. This is of particular concern given the trauma suffered by East Asian economies in the wake of the financial and economic crisis of 1997-98. Faced with the need to restructure and reform their economies and thereby achieve a firm foundation for future sustainable growth, many East Asian countries actively pursued SME growth, focusing on the encouragement of entrepreneurialism in the private sector. Drawing on the insights of a wide range of SME experts, the book provides a broad coverage of important aspects of SMEs, including:* the contribution of micro-enterprises to economic recovery and poverty alleviation* measurement and evaluation issues* managing knowledge development* ethical values in SMEs* the internationalisation process* entry mode decisions in export markets* technological sourcing* use of the Internet.Presenting a contemporary analysis of SME developments in East Asia, both academics and policymakers will find Sustaining Growth and Performance in East Asia of great interest.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84064-808-9, 9781840648089
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Edward Elgar

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