Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring

L. Yang
Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring
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This new book provides a comprehensive analysis of the techniques of corrosion monitoring. It includes practical applications and case studies. Corrosion monitoring technologies are a vital step in efforts to combat corrosion, which can have major economic and safety implications. The first part of the book reviews electrochemical techniques for corrosion monitoring. A second group of chapters analyses other physical or chemical methods of corrosion monitoring. Part three examines corrosion monitoring in special environments and conditions. Section four covers the selection of monitoring techniques and probes and a final group of chapters discusses applications and case studies.Dr Lietai Yang is a leading authority on corrosion monitoring. He works at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas, one of the major centres of corrosion research in the US.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84569-187-5, 9781845691875
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Woodhead Publishing Ltd

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