Textbook of Neonatology

Janet M. Rennie
Textbook of Neonatology
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The Textbook of Neonatology provides a comprehensive and readable reference to the pathophysiology, diagnosis, management and prognosis for disease in the newborn, as well as describing the care of the normal neonate. The third edition has been restructured and revised to accomodate all advances as well as the new burgeoning issues in Neonatology, notably cost and medico-legal aspects are fully addressed.New introductory section on organisation and delivery of neonatal care. * New chapters on organisation and transfer, standard cost, care of the family, handling death, basic genetics, maternal high risk conditions, intensive care monitoring, management of the well small baby, analgesia, infant of drug addicted mother, metabolic bone disease, preterm brain injury. * New information on care in the first hour. * Expanded coverage of nutrition. * New section on ethics and the law. * 27 new contributors. * British reference reflecting British practice and organisation of neonate care.
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-443-05541-6, 9780443055416
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone

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