The Art of the Good Life

Rolf Dobelli
The Art of the Good Life
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A short, surprising and indispensable toolkit for practical living, from the author of the Sunday Times and International Bestseller The Art of Thinking Clearly, which has been translated into more than 40 languages and sold more than 2,5 million copies worldwide. #1 European bestseller: the indispensable new work from the author of the international and Sunday Times bestseller The Art of Thinking Clearly Have you ever... ? Spent too long on a powerpoint presentation? ? Lost sight of what makes you happy? ? Failed to reach a long-term goal? ? Become infuriated by queuing, tax or parking tickets? ? Broken a promise you knew you'd keep? Since the dawn of civilization, we've been asking ourselves what it means to live a good life: how should I live, what will truly make be happy, how much should I earn, how should I spend my time? In the absence of a single simple answer, what we need is a toolkit of mental models, a guide to practical living. In The Art of the Good Life, you'll find fifty-two intellectual shortcuts for wiser thinking and better decisions, at home and at work. They may not guarantee you a good life, but they'll give you a better chance.
ISBN: 978-1-4736-6751-8, 9781473667518
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Sceptre
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Rolf Dobelli Rolf Dobelli
Urodzony 15 lipca 1966 roku w Szwajcarii (Lucerna)
Rolf Dobelli jest szwajcarskim pisarzem i przedsiębiorcą. Dobelli jest autorem książki The Art of Thinking Clearly. Dobelli jest członkiem Edge Foundation, Inc., PEN International i Royal Society of Arts. Jest założycielem fundacji World Minds.

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